Navigating Life's Chaos
with Grace

In that state clarity is elusive, and we feel unsettled and unsafe. While this response is normal, it does not have to be your new normal. A sense of direction, hope and happiness can be within your reach. 

Chaos is perhaps the biggest challenge in our lives these days because it draws us off center.


Acknowledge what is happening so that you can embrace the intelligence that has brought it to the surface. Awaken the essence of this intelligence to its fullest expression and empower yourself to create direction and ease in your life.

Healing Sessions

How Can I Help You?


Creative Awakening
The wisdom is there, buried and unseen. By taking the logical and critical mind out of the equation, you can access it to clear, gain insights, find confidence, and have some fun.

Group Events


Each morning I walk at sunrise.
These posts comprise the images and inspiration of each new day.

Find my posts on

Morning Inspiration

How Can I Support You?

Healing Sessions

Acknowledge what is happening so that you can embrace the intelligence that has brought it to the surface. Awaken the essence of this intelligence to its fullest expression and empower yourself to create direction and ease in your life.


Group Events

Creative Awakening

The wisdom is there, buried and unseen. By taking the logical/critical mind out of the equation, you can access it to clear the fog, gain insights, find confidence, and have some fun.


Each morning I walk at sunrise.
These posts comprise the images and inspiration of each new day.

Find my posts on

Morning Inspiration

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"I recently had a life changing session with her where she explained in great detail a pattern she could see in my relationship with my significant other, and everything improved after that session."

"Aine is amazing with helping me see things I am unable to see for myself. She has the ability to guide me to release old patterns and traumas that still were haunting me on a daily level. She does it with such clarity. Plus she creates the space for healing with ease."