"They [the sessions] have become a very significant factor in the changes that I am experiencing in my life, and I have you to thank for that.”
                                                      D. K.

“It was really powerful. My goal was to try to just be open to whatever came up… Today, When I woke up, it all kind of crystallized and I became aware that my personal work this year is all about expectations – letting go of what I perceive others expect of me – so I can discover and reveal how my light wants to shine.”
                                                     T. M.

“Intuitive painting was the bridge that allowed my inner creativity to be expressed externally. It was a life-changing event that I will forever treasure."

“Intuitive painting allowed me to open up and embrace some very powerful emotions. I would recommend this class to anyone, regardless of artistic skill!”


"Thank you Elke! That was a truly amazing experience. I didn’t know I had it in me!!"
